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Scheduled visits

Schedule your visit by emailing agendamento@museudeartedorio.org.br

Visits made by previous appointment, for students and teachers from public and private schools, universities, NGOs, associations, families and various groups.

Designed starting from contact with group leaders, usually focusing on one of the exhibitions on show. The visit aims to deepen the experience of the visitors with the content and works on display and especially work on specific aspects of interest of the group, in order to create the basis for the further development of activities in schools.

Visits can take place in the exhibition pavilion, starting from the exhibitions on show, in the Library and Documentation Centre or in the Collection Storage space, where the MAR collection is kept, and unfold as a way of opening the collections to the community, while also expanding into the territory in which the museum is located, with all its history and cultural potency.

Visits for general public


Guided visits for the general public, lasting up to one hour. These offer a panoramic view of the museum spaces in connection with the history of the port region and Little Africa, as well as a route mapped by the different exhibitions on display. The visit ends inside the pavilion so that the visitor can return to the exhibitions. The meeting point is next to the box office.